Take a Walk through Home Health Aide: The Complete Guide

What can you find in Home Health Aide: The Complete Guide? Take a look and find out!

Objectives: Learning objectives begin each chapter and give an overview of the key topics covered.

Key Terminology: The Key Terminology list shows the terms you will be introduced to in the chapter.

Margins: Margins include key terms, QR codes, and ample space for note taking to promote comprehension and retention of key concepts.

Imagery and Graphics: These are incorporated throughout to illustrate the skills and concepts being taught.

Example Notes: These give real-world examples of notes that an HHA might write to comment on actions taken or a client’s needs.

QR Scans: The QR codes offer additional context with videos, exercises, and more. Scan the QR code with your phone’s camera to access the material.

Key Terms: Key terms, listed in the beginning Key Terminology list, are highlighted in text and any that are not fully defined in the text are defined in the margins to provide concise and accessible introductions to important topics.

Skills Reviewed in This Chapter: The skill list refers back to skills students learned in their CNA courses. Scan the QR code to access those skills for a refresher.

Chapter Questions: Each chapter ends with chapter questions to give students a chance to test themselves on what they have learned. Answers to the questions can be found in the back of the book.

Case Studies: Scan the QR code to access case study exercises that let students apply what they have learned in the chapter to real-world scenarios.

Resources: Each chapter has additional resources to further explore key topics, scan the QR code for a clickable list of the resources listed.

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