Writing Tips from August Learning Solutions

Having trouble putting pencil to paper (or fingers to keyboard)? Find that every time you sit down to write, you just stare at a blank sheet? Check out some of our writing tips to help get you started.

  1. Create an outline: Outlines are a great way to organize your thoughts and get the “big picture” view of your project. Make an outline and organize it into how you want your book to read from front to back. Use subsections and additional notes to help you later on in your writing process. Keep your outline handy and have it open every time you sit down to write.
  2. Make a schedule: If you have a deadline, the last thing you want to do is wait until the night before to frantically write your book from start to finish. Make a schedule of days/times that you will commit to writing. Set a timer, minimize distractions, maybe put on some of your favorite tunes, and just start writing. When the timer goes off, if you’re still in the zone, keep going! If not, call it a day and come back to it at your next scheduled time.
  3. Skip perfection: Nothing is perfect the first time around. Don’t worry about making every sentence seamless, finding every missing comma, or constantly rereading and rewriting as you go. Get all your thoughts out—there will be plenty of time to go back and make it perfect later.
  4. Keep notes on your phone (or in a journal): Inspiration strikes at odd times. Perhaps you are in line at the grocery store or out on a hike when you have a monumental breakthrough and a fantastic idea to move your book forward. Don’t lose it! Use the notes feature on your phone (voice recordings also work great) or keep a small journal with you. Jot those ideas down, in the moment, so you don’t regret losing them later on when you are back at your desk.
  5. Don’t stress: The more you stress about your writing, the more difficult it will become. If you’re having serious writer’s block or are frozen with fear of “not getting it right,” shake it off. Take a moment to do some deep breathing or meditation, take a walk in nature, or play with your kids or your furry pets (or do any other activity you enjoy). Clearing your head and doing an enjoyable activity may seem counterproductive but will help you center yourself once you get back to your writing.

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